ZFS on FreeBSD

Wednesday, 01. 30. 2008  –  Category: all, sw

… rocks! However, some early VM-related kernel panics – kmem_map too small panic – knocked confidence a bit. Seems ZFS really nails the kernel’s memory demands. Happily “the vm_kern.c.2 patch” (it’s well known!) sorted things. I stressed ZFS-backed IO massively without any further wobbles. Now I can micro-quota all my jail(8)s with obsession!

FAM, g++, escalation

Wednesday, 11. 7. 2007  –  Category: all, sw

The full context for this is just too shonky so it’s omitted here. FAM is a file monitoring system from SGI that some Linux distros link their courier-imapd against (the SGI OSS pages for it needs some love, it’s seemingly abandoned). The ‘drop-in’ FAM replacement, gamin, doesn’t provide enough FAMness to fly: Nov  7 14:03:45 localhost […]

No, I’m building JDK *elsewhere*

Tuesday, 10. 2. 2007  –  Category: all, sw, vague

Lousy licensing click throughs: [root@two /usr/ports-work/distfiles ] 0 # curl –referer http://www.eyesbeyond.com/freebsddom/java/JDK15JRLConfirm.html -v -d"patchset=6" -d "accept=ACCEPT" -O http://www.eyesbeyond.com/freebsddom/java/download_patchset15_jrl.cgi