Firefox extensions for Amazon Web Services

Wednesday, 08. 12. 2009  –  Category: vague

These two Firefox extensions are soothing the pain between the CLI and the AJAX-with-treacle web interface: S3Fox Elasticfox There’s bound to be something that draws together all the foregin keys – AMI, volume, instance, reservation etc – but I’ve yet to find that. Been putting off writing it for a while…


Friday, 09. 5. 2008  –  Category: vague

Ace quote from Bruce Schneier’s book Secrets and Lies: The first firewalls were on trains. Coal-powered trains had a large furnace in the engine room, along with a pile of coal. The engineer would shovel coal into the engine. This process created coal dust, which was highly flammable. Occasionally the coal dust would catch fire, […]

No, I’m building JDK *elsewhere*

Tuesday, 10. 2. 2007  –  Category: all, sw, vague

Lousy licensing click throughs: [root@two /usr/ports-work/distfiles ] 0 # curl –referer -v -d"patchset=6" -d "accept=ACCEPT" -O